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    Back to School Cold got you DOWN?


    Updated: Oct 16, 2024

    'Tis the season for back to school colds. Supporting a healthy immune system during the back-to-school season is crucial for staying well as children return to school and encounter more germs and viruses. Here are some practical tips to help keep the immune system strong:

    1. Prioritize Nutrition

    a. Balanced Diet:

    • Fruits and Vegetables: Ensure a diet rich in vitamins and minerals. Focus on colorful fruits and vegetables like berries, oranges, carrots, and spinach.

    • Protein: Include lean proteins such as chicken, fish, beans, and legumes to support immune function.

    • Limit Sugar and Processed Foods: aim to include mostly whole foods in your diet (and your family's diet). If you kiddos are wanting a sugary treat, always pair it with protein or fat to keep their blood sugar balanced.

    b. Hydration:

    • Water Intake: Encourage drinking plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated and support overall health. Add electrolytes to your water as well to keep your minerals balanced.

    c. Probiotics:

    • Gut Health: Include probiotic-rich foods like yogurt, kefir, and fermented vegetables to support gut health, which plays a role in immune function.

    2. Promote Good Hygiene

    a. Hand Washing:

    • Frequent Washing: Teach and encourage regular hand washing with soap and water, especially before meals and after using the restroom.

    b. Avoid Touching Face:

    • Reduce Germ Transfer: Remind children not to touch their face, especially their eyes, nose, and mouth, to reduce the risk of transferring germs.

    c. Clean School Supplies:

    • Sanitize: Regularly clean and sanitize school supplies like pencils, notebooks, and lunch boxes.

    • Wash Hands before lunch: Encourage your kids to wash their hands before lunch or pack a travel hand sanitizer in their school lunch box.

    3. Encourage Healthy Lifestyle Choices

    a. Regular Exercise:

    • Physical Activity: Promote at least 30 minutes of physical activity most days of the week. Activities like biking, swimming, or playing sports can boost immune function.

    b. Adequate Sleep:

    • Sleep Routine: Ensure children get the recommended amount of sleep for their age group. For school-age children, this is typically 9-12 hours per night. Sleep is also important for moms and dads as well! When we sleep, our bodies are repairing and healing.

    c. Stress Management:

    • Relaxation Techniques: Teach relaxation techniques like deep breathing, meditation, or gentle stretching to help manage stress, which can impact immune function. Model these techniques for your children and they will be more likely to incorporate them into their routines.

      *Here is an example of a breathing technique:

      Equal Breath: breathe in and out through your nose on a count of 4, let you belly expand and contract on each inhale and exhale.

      Inhale 2, 3, 4

      Exhale 2, 3, 4

      *Do this for at least 3-4 minutes in a quiet space. You can be seated or lying on your back.

    4. Boost Immune Function Naturally

    a. Herbal Supplements:

    Here are a few supplements to add to your medicine cabinet:

    Colloidal Silver Throat Spray and Nasal Spray-

    *helps the immune system and can fight bacteria and viruses.  Don't use on a daily basis but use in those time when you feel like you are getting sick. 

    Beekeeper's Natural Propolis Throat Spray-used to support our immune system, to soothe scratchy throats and combat free radical damage in the body.  Delivers the highest concentration of polyphenols and flavonoids on the market, as well as vitamin C, iron, B vitamins and other uniquely beneficial compounds that support immune health.

    *follow directions on the package

    Raw Garlic- mince it up small, put on a spoon and swallow it like you would a pill (don't use jarred minced garlic-it will be gross)--take it every morning. You can do more than once a day but I find once a day to be enough.

    *Garlic is thought to have several health benefits, including antiviral and antimicrobial properties that may help with the common cold and flu.

    NUUN Immunity tablets- add to water and drink

    *support immune health with a blend of antioxidants, electrolytes and anti-inflammatories

    Genexa Cold Crush: This homeopathic remedy addresses symptoms of the common cold including congestion, mucus, cough, sore throat, runny nose, and sneezing 

    Cold Calm-Boiron--follow directions on the package

    *homeopathic medicine to use when you feel a cold coming on. Helps relieve symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion and minor sore throat.

    Manuka Honey: great for coating the throat when you have a sore throat. Don't heat this type of honey. Manuka honey is antibacterial and can soothe sore throats.  It also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. 

    **try the manuka honey throat drops or buy ajar of it and use a teaspoon at a time.

    Biocidin Throat Spray: stimulates a rapid immune response, supports health of the upper respiratory tract.

    PE Daily Immune Support: supports immune system function. Made with Vitamin C, quercetin, zinc and other essential vitamins and minerals. Take Daily.

    Doterra Essential Oils: we diffuse a lot of Doterra essential oils in our home.  You can get the Breathe stick and use it like you would Vick's Vapor Rub on the chest when congested.  You can also add the Breathe essential oil to a pot of boiling water and stick your face over it under a towel to help clear out your sinuses when you have a cold.

    b. Vitamin D:

    • Sunlight Exposure: Encourage outdoor play to get natural sunlight, which helps with vitamin D production. Consider a vitamin D supplement if necessary, especially during less sunny months.

      **You can find many of the above supplements here:

      *If not on Fullscript, you can find some of them at Whole Foods

    5. Encourage Mental and Emotional Well-Being

    a. Positive Environment:

    • Supportive Atmosphere: Create a supportive and positive environment at home to help manage stress and promote overall well-being.

    b. Open Communication:

    • Discuss Feelings: Encourage open conversations about school and social experiences to address any concerns or anxieties.

    By integrating these tips into daily routines, you can help support a strong immune system for a healthier back-to-school season.

    *The above information is not intended to be medical advice. It is to be used for educational purposes only.

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